
We Believe In…

Curiosity and vuja de.

Letting go of “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts” and instead reconnecting with the truth within.

Bringing more joy and passion into every moment.

Meditation and prayer, magic and tarot.

But most of all, we believe that all women are fierce humans holding up half the world.

Questions we seek answers to…

How do we learn to navigate the world in a way that is authentic to who we are and who we want to be?

How do we grow spaces so that they fit us rather than having to shrink in order to fit in?

How do we collaborate with other women, and humans and build a community to effectuate this growth and journey?

How do we cultivate and hold space to hear each other?

How do we speak our truth into creativity?


To a collective community where women exercise trust in their own voices.

It began with a question - What would the world look like if women trusted their own experiences and observations to inform who they truly are and how they belong?

Bonds Magazine is a place for women to claim their own voices and power.

Through sharing diverse and cross generational experiences of women we aim to break down limiting beliefs, narratives and stories. By exploring the bonds between ourselves and each other, we seek to expand the way we show up in the world while radically practicing fresh perspective.

Bonds is a thought, an idea, but most importantly an invitation to share a space for our struggles and triumphs and in turn bring power to our collective voices and affirmation of our experiences. Together we will build a muscle to speak up and learn to trust our voices by lifting each other up and validating our experiences.

and so she speaks + she shines. Because, why not?

Sylwia, Emily, Carrie Ann & Meredith

Who we are


Sylwia gargala Qasim, Co-Founder

I'm all about embracing the mystical, collecting stories, whipping up scrumptious dishes and savoring every bite.

Bonds Magazine lights me up because co-creating space where women are invited to speak out, feel inspired and release not-enoughness is a dream my heart has been dreaming of for as long as I can remember.

My life has been a whirlwind of roles: mom, wife, teacher, life coach, immigrant, a Catholic brought up in communist Poland, and even a corporate career woman. All these experiences imbued me with an innate sense of bewilderment at my own power and belonging. It was life coach training and teaching that really helped me tune into the voice within and learn to trust myself and my own inner guide. Living in integrity with my truth, or to be more precise, practicing daily to live in integrity with my truth has brought loads of joy and love into my life. 

Curious about what life coaching is or how it can support you on your journey? Let’s connect.

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Emily Rose Hill, Co-founder

I am a podcast binger, an over-thinker, a carb-lover, a sunset chaser and am happiest hiking mountains or diving in the ocean.

After graduating with a degree in English Cultural Studies and Art History from McGill University, I went on to work in fine-dining restaurants in NYC, moved to Bogotá, Colombia where I taught English, earned my yoga teaching certificate from Kripalu, and now work in Learning & Development.

Many of my greatest inspirations and mentors have been the women around me, and the lessons I have learned from hearing their stories have been invaluable to my growth. I am deeply invested in creating a platform that elevates the voices of women and celebrates what Bonds us.


Dr. Carrie Ann Johnson, Contributing editor

I am a researcher, writer, teacher, and connector. I love digging into difficult topics and opening doors for deeper contemplation about our lived realities. My most important thoughts happen while hiking, walking with friends, or taking a shower. If I am lucky, I remember those thoughts long enough to write them down.

When I was finishing my dissertation, Sylwia reached out for an interview about my research on whisper networks in organizations. I fell in love with the mission of BONDS and feel honored to join the editorial board. 

Research has shown me that we build our embodied world using the narratives we have at our disposal. This means that sharing our stories and believing the stories of others is a vital component in making the world a better place for everyone. Let’s create new, bigger, braver, and bolder stories by sharing them together.


Meredith Francom, Contributing Editor

I am a wounded healer, a holder of space. I believe in the power of stories and that the key to happiness is authenticity. In my experience, a Sunday afternoon nap is a necessary luxury, a dance party helps chase the blues away, and a good chocolate-chip cookie makes everything better. 

As someone raised in staunch religious patriarchy, my feminist awareness gradually awakened. It has been a long road of unlearning and replacing. During my healing journey, I redefined my core values and discovered the true worth inherent in myself and others. This awakening led me to seek a master's degree in counseling, so I could continue to grow and help others discover their own fundamental truths.

I am constantly in awe of the strength and resilience of the women around me, and believe that we are stronger together. The Bonds platform amplifies the feminine experience. It is a place of empowerment, motivation, and inspiration. I am delighted to be a part of the team.


Please reach out with your thoughts, feelings, inspirations, or whatever moves you.